by Alex Putman | Apr 9, 2013 | Blogs, Creativity, Facebook, G+, Human Resources, LinkedIn, SHRM-Atlanta, Social Media, Social Networking, Social Recruiting, Talent Acquisition, Twitter, YouTube
Do you remember the archaic language of the 60’s “groovy” and “dig it”. I remember my first real world job in the late 90’s and everyday hearing the word “synergy” and thinking to myself “huh”. Those terms...
by Alex Putman | Jan 9, 2013 | Creativity, Human Resources, LinkedIn, Social Media, Social Strategy
The number one question recruiters should ask when developing their LinkedIn strategy is “What is the impact and alignment of the strategy to the employer branding goals/objectives?” Start by looking at three key criteria; Strategy: the plan that marries...
by Alex Putman | Oct 22, 2012 | Candidate Experience, Creativity, Human Resources, SHRM-Atlanta, Social Recruiting, Social Strategy, Talent Acquisition, Talent Management
Recently, our Talent Acquisition team (Anastasia Bartolucci & Alex Putman) were honored to with an award for candidate experience, Candidate Experience (CandE) Award with Distinction at the 15th Annual Human Resources Technology Conference & Exposition in...
by Alex Putman | Aug 19, 2012 | Candidate Experience, Creativity, Facebook, Human Resources, Job Search, LinkedIn, Mobile Applications, Mobile Recruiting, Social Media, Social Networking, Social Recruiting, Social Strategy, Talent Acquisition, Talent Community, YouTube
Ask yourself a question….”what is the most innovative thing I have accomplished professionally this year?” My journey started with a New Year’s resolution. That resolution included being happy at work, using my creativity to build something...
by Alex Putman | Apr 22, 2012 | Career Advice, Creativity, Human Resources, Interview Tips, Motivation
[tweetmeme source=”alexputman”] I have spent many years interviewing candidates, teaching interview techniques and picking apart interviews. Over the past few months, I really started breaking down the basics of what I look for when hiring someone. Most...
by Alex Putman | Jun 16, 2011 | Creativity, Human Resources, Mobile, Mobile Recruiting, Recruiting, Social Media
[tweetmeme source=”alexputman”] Albert Einstein said “Imagination is more important than knowledge”, as profound a statement as this is and as much as I agree, I have a confession. I read this profound statement in a bathroom while on vacation AND it...