by Alex Putman | Apr 22, 2012 | Career Advice, Creativity, Human Resources, Interview Tips, Motivation
[tweetmeme source=”alexputman”] I have spent many years interviewing candidates, teaching interview techniques and picking apart interviews. Over the past few months, I really started breaking down the basics of what I look for when hiring someone. Most...
by Alex Putman | Mar 10, 2012 | Facebook, Human Resources, LinkedIn, Mobile Recruiting, Recruiting, SHRM-Atlanta, Social Networking, Social Recruiting, Social Strategy, Sourcing, Talent Acquisition, Twitter
[tweetmeme source=”alexputman”] Orignal Post appeared on the SHRM-Atlanta blog Did you know that there are over 1 billion (with a “B”) smart phone users globally? By 2015 smart phone usage will overtake desktops. Do you think this mobile explosion will...
by Alex Putman | Jan 30, 2012 | Blogs, Human Resources, SHRM-Atlanta, Social Networking
[tweetmeme source=”alexputman”] In October I presented at the 2011 SHRM-Atlanta Annual conference on the topic of blogging. The biggest question; Why Blog? There are several reasons to blog and below is a list of benefits to being a blogger. Engagement...
by Alex Putman | Jan 17, 2012 | Human Resources, Mobile
[tweetmeme source=”alexputman”] Last week I had the opportunity to attend my first CES show in over a decade (thanks to my new employer) and all I can say is WOW!! There were tons of innovative products (20,000+ to be exact)! Thin is...
by Alex Putman | Dec 15, 2011 | Career Advice, LinkedIn, Talent Management
[tweetmeme source=”alexputman”] April 1999 – August 2005: I was working for a great company and as the Talent Manager had spent 6.5 years building a 450+ person team! Like any company we had ups and downs, but there were a lot more ups! September...